Picture for Everson, WA

Local Businesses in Everson, WA

Everson and the nearby city of Nooksack lie near the foothills of the Cascade mountains in Northwest Washington. Located on the banks of the Nooksack River, the businesses support the surrounding farms and logging industries. The valley is heavily influenced by Dutch settlers who established dairy farms on the fertile flood prone land. Fruit orchards and berry fields also play an important part of the town's economy.

The town's small business district provides all the basic services. There are restaurants, a pharmacy and groceries, auto-repair, and agricultural supply stores. The City Park is located a 1/2 block south off the W. Main St. and Riverside Park is on the banks of the Nooksack River featuring picnic tables and ball fields.

Local Businesses in Everson
Local Businesses in Everson (download as PDF)

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